Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna


Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna
FrEng, NUS

Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng is the Chair of Circular Economy Taskforce and top four authors (https://academic.microsoft.com/institution/165932596) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), which is ranked among the world’s top 10 engineering and technology universities. He is a member of Enterprise Singapore (the Standards Agency of Singapore Government) NMC on ISO/TC323 on Circular Economy; and Standards Development Organization, Singapore Manufacturing Federation (http://www.smfederation.org.sg). He is an advisor to the National Environmental Agency’s CESS events (https://bit.ly/catalyst2019video; https://youtube.com/watch?v=ptSh_1Bgl1g; https://www.cleanenvirosummit.sg/programme/speakers/professor-seeram-ramakrishna). He is the Editor-in-Chief of Springer NATURE Journal Materials Circular Economy-Sustainability (https://www.springer.com/journal/42824). He is a co-organizer of NSF, USA sponsored conference on materials and circular economy and sustainability (http://www.ceasiapacific.com); and Singapore-Germany conference on sustainable plastics (https://www.tplas.com/medical-plastics-engineering-programme.html). His senior academic leadership roles include NUS University Vice-President (Research Strategy); Dean of NUS Faculty of Engineering; and Director of NUS Enterprise. He is an elected Fellow of UK Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng); Singapore Academy of Engineering; Indian National Academy of Engineering; and ASEAN Academy of Engineering & Technology. He received PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK; and the TGMP from the Harvard University, USA. He is named among the World’s Most Influential Minds by Thomson Reuters, and the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science and Cross-Field by Clarivate Analytics. A European study placed him among the only 500 researchers with H index over 150 in the history of science and technology (http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/58). He is an Impact Speaker at University of Toronto, Canada’s Low Carbon Renewable Materials Center (http://www.lcrmc.com/#), and London based DCD data centres (https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/profile/professor-seeram-ramakrishna/). His research interests include R&D of sustainable materials and evaluation of circularity of materials (https://www.europeanbusinessreview.com/circular-economy-sustainability-and-business-opportunities/). He teaches ME6501 Materials and Sustainability module. He also mentors Integrated Sustainable Design ISD5102 course projects on reimagining and enhancing circularity of Industrial Estates. He is a judge for the Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for the Global Prosperity (https://www.facebook.com/Make4Prosperity/videos/innovation-inclusive-trade/479503539339143/). He is an advisor to the Singapore company TRIA (www.triabio24.com) which specializes in end-to-end solution on packaging. He is a world renowned Materials Engineer (https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?view_op=search_authors&hl=en&mauthors=label:materials_engineering).