Join Susanna Kass — a member of the Climate 50 and Power 100 — on June 23rd for this exciting panel! She will be joined by industry voices from DatacenterDynamics, VMware, and CIRKLA.
Panel Description
The concept of the circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping efficient products and materials in use, and an opposite model to the ‘take-make-dispose’ system currently in place across the data center and ICT sector.
With hyperscalers closely wedded to the sustainable path of IT and hardware reuse, what are the challenges for enterprise developers and operators who wish to partake in sustainability innovation, resource efficiency and recycling? And, are there any enterprise developers and data center operators who have managed to reduce resource waste?
This panel will outline whether the enterprise developers and data center can play a larger role in a restorative and regenerative economic model through innovation and show how the results can be measured by sustainability metrics.