A call to arms – renewed focus on Sustainability by Design
By Mary Allen 2020-07-20 on Insightaas
“The need for data centre operators to boost sustainability activity has never been more clear, and providers such as OVHcloud are now seizing on new opportunity to achieve aggressive zero carbon targets. A new InsightaaS report and webinar tackles the mechanics of a shift towards ecosystem thinking in the data centre.”
If we needed more evidence of the criticality of data centre services, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided it.
As governments, businesses, and individuals and have moved online, working and playing remotely to uphold public health guidelines, data centres have stepped up to deliver the IT services needed to support this massive shift in behaviour.
For infrastructure providers, including the large cloud players, new pressure on capacity and service delivery demand is not likely to be short lived; while COVID has accelerated the digitization of collaboration and other processes, a return to pre-pandemic levels of digital activity is nostalgia that will not deliver the ubiquitous care, convenience and productivity that we are rapidly becoming accustomed to.
But growing demand for data centre services brings with it potential for a more ominous outcome – carbon emissions associated with data centre operation to address additional requirements.
At a time when the world is wrestling with the imperative to reduce GHG emissions to levels that would keep global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, business as usual is no longer an option for the data centre industry …………. [ To read the full article, please access via here]